The Rogue Valley Flying Club is a group of aviation enthusiasts who just like to fly.
We operate out of the Rogue Valley International- Medford Airport (KMFR) and are currently the only flying club in the greater Rogue Valley. There are two types of memberships, Associate and Flying. All members have equal access to educational opportunities and activities sponsored by the Club.
Our culture revolves around safety. We hold monthly membership meetings with guest speakers which have included; Air Traffic Control, the National Weather Service, the Oregon Department of Forestry, FAA Designated Pilot Examiners, Civil Air Patrol, and local airport management, among others. Our Flight Safety Officer provides monthly briefings on safety topics of interest to all Club members. We have a robust system for communicating and tracking aircraft maintenance timelines and corrections of “squawks”. Our aircraft are maintained by professional FAA approved maintenance facilities.
Supporting general aviation throughout the Rogue Valley is very important to us. Our members support numerous Community Service Activities including Pilots N Paws and Angel Flights. We have partnered with our local scouting organization to help girl and boy scouts earn Aviation Merit Badges. We also partner with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) to offer Rusty Pilot Seminars for inactive pilots who are ready to start flying again.
Our Club’s mission statement says it all. We support general aviation in the greater Rogue Valley while enabling and inspiring our members to fly economically and safely by offering affordable aircraft, educational opportunities, and club activities to enhance their aviation experience.
The RVFC welcomes you to experience the wonders of flying and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow pilots!